About Me
Hi, my name is Ben Timbrell. I enjoy problem solving, which has led me to an interest in computer programming.
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Internet Computing from Aberystwyth University, I worked at Bray Group, a pharmaceutical company. I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in programming and I started learning Java in my free time by practising on websites like CodingBat and having a go at creating my own projects. Since then, I have enrolled in an online course at IT Career Switch where I have learned a lot about full-stack development.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy working out and walking my dog. I also enjoy running with the Faringdon Far Runners running club.
Workout Tracker
A React app that lets you record workouts and track progress in the gym. You can create your own workout routines using a list of exercises; you can also add your own exercises to the list. There are also graphs for showing progress on each exercise.
Company Directory
A project I did as part of the IT Career Switch course. This application allows users to view and edit personnel, department and location data for a company database.
A project I did as part of the IT Career Switch course. It is made using Leaflet and allows users to select different countries to display various information such as demographics, weather, news, places of interest and more. It uses AJAX calls to PHP routines to send requests to different APIs to get back data for the different countries.
Opposing Forces
A Space Invaders-type game made using the HTML5 Canvas element and Javascript. After completing each wave, you have the option to buy upgrades to help with the increasingly challenging enemies and bosses. All sprites in this game were created by Gustavo Vituri.
Weight Tracker
An online weight tracker made in React that connects to an express server. Users can submit their weight and track it on a graph. User preferences are saved in local storage such as their preferred unit of measurement, date filters and site theme.
Splendid Shoes
A mock-up of an online shoe store made in React that connects to an express server. You can add shoes to a shopping cart and a purchase is made using Stripe. You can also view order history.
Reddit Minimal
A Reddit client app made using React and Redux. You can filter posts by selecting or typing the name of a subreddit, as well as typing keywords.
A web app, made using React, that uses the Spotify API. You can search for songs on Spotify and add them to a playlist.
Towers vs. Slimes
A tower defence game I made in Java using AWT. You can buy and sell towers, as well as purchase upgrades. As you clear waves, you face new enemies with unique attributes.
I studied Internet Computing at Aberystwyth University and graduated with a 2.2. I learned basic HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL.
I worked as a factory operative for Bray Group. I helped in the production of caustic sticks, as well as printing labels.
After feeling dissatisfied with my job, I left Bray and decided to enroll in the IT Career Switch programming course. I gained a lot of confidence in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL. I also learned some Python and did projects using libraries and frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, React and Express.